Hello! Thank you for considering donating to the Triangle Wellness Collective Community Care Fund.
I am trying to raise $5,000 by February 25th (my 30th birthday), to fund at least 1 free massage every week for the rest of the year. I will post periodic updates to my social media on my progress.
This fund will allow me to offer bodywork to folks that otherwise may not be able to afford it. Your donation will allow me to provide pain relief and nervous system regulation to folks that need it most, but may not otherwise have access.
If you are an ally to the LGBTQ+ community, the chronicly ill and disabled, and anyone else that might benefit from being granted access to my work, this is a great way to offer tangible support to a community that needs care more than ever right now.
Accessing the Community Care Fund
I will release the application to be seen through the community care fund in March. If you would like to recieve updates, please subscribe to my newsletter and I will make sure to keep you updated!